You don’t know what love is.

Nina Simone sjunger You don’t know what love is. Så vacker.

You don’t know what love is
Until you’ve learned the meaning of the blues
Until you’ve loved a love you had to loose
You don’t know what love is

You don’t know how lips hurt
Until you’ve kissed and had to pay the cost
Until you’ve flipped you’re heart and you have lost
You don’t know what love is

Do you know how a lost heart fears
The thought of reminiscing
And how lips have taste of tears
Loose the taste for kissing

You don’t know how hearts burn
For love that cannot live, yet never dies
Until you’ve faced each dawn with sleepless eyes
You don’t know what love is

You don’t know how hearts burn
For love that cannot live, yet never dies
Until you’ve faced each dawn with sleepless eyes
How could you know what love is, what love is
What love is

Text och musik: Don Raye och Gene De Paul

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