Until it’s time for you to go.

Jag älskar den här sången. Idag fick jag tanken att den inte bara är en kärlekssång till en man, utan också är en kärleksförklaring till det barn vi en gång var och till livet vi en gång ska lämna.

Until it’s time for you to go
You’re not a dream, you’re not an angel
You’re a man
I’m not a queen, I’m a woman
Take my hand

We’ll make a space in the lives
That we’d planned
And here we’ll stay
Until it’s time for you to go

Yes we’re different worlds apart
We’re not the same
We laughed and played
At the start like in a game

You could’ve stayed outside my heart
But in you came
And here you’ll stay
Until it’s time for you to go

Don’t ask why
Don’t ask how
Don’t ask forever
Love me now

This love of mine had no beginning
It has no end
I was an oak, now I’m a willow
Now I can bend

And though I’ll never
In my life see you again
Still I’ll stay
Until it’s time for you to go

Don’t ask why
Don’t ask how
Don’t ask forever
Love me now

You’re not a dream, you’re not an angel
You’re a man
I’m not a queen, I’m a woman
Take my hand

We’ll make a space in the lives
That we’d planned
And here we’ll stay
Until it’s time for you to go

Buffy Sainte Marie

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