Crossroads. Vägskäl.

Jag kan lyssna på American Pie-skivan, om och om igen. Plötsligt hör jag Crossroads. Verkligen HÖR den. Lyssnar på texten. Tonerna. Versionen med den nutida Don McLean live har för sliskigt pianokomp för min smak. Den här versionen har märkliga bilder men har djupet och enkelheten i kompet. Önskar jag hade skrivit låten. Önskar jag kunde spela den, så här:

Crossroads – Don McLean från skivan American Pie.

I’ve got nothing on my mind
Nothing to remember
Nothing to forget
I’ve got nothing to regret
But I’m all tied up on the inside
Noone knows quite what I’ve got
And I know that on the outside
What I used to be – I’m not anymore

You know I’ve heard about people like me
But I never made the connection
They walk one road to set them free
And find they’ve gone the wrong direction
But there’s no need for turning back
’cause all roads lead to where I stand
And I believe I’ll walk them all
No matter what I may have planned

Can you remember who I was?
Can you still feel it?
Can you find my pain?
Can you heal it?
And lay your hands upon me now
And cast this darkness from my soul
You alone can light my way
You alone can make me whole once again

We’ve walked both sides of ev’ry street
Through all kinds of windy weather
But that was never our defeat
As long as we could walk together
So there’s no need for turning back
’cause all roads lead to where we stand
And I believe we’ll walk them all
No matter what we may have planned

Här är den nutida Don McLean. Live. För jämförelsens skull. Tiderna förändras. Men nej, den är inte bra i kompet. Less is more.

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