You’re Not a Dream…. (yes you are!)

När jag var ung, sådär en 14-15-16, lärde jag mig sången Until it’s time for you to go.
Av vem minns jag inte. Kanske i skolan? Syrran? Benke? Jag vet att jag tyckte mycket om den. Jag har inte hört den i originalversionen vad jag minns, men här är den med Buffy Sainte Marie. Kan passa bra så här en Jungfru Marie Bebådelsedag.

Until It’s Time for You to Go
Text och musik: Buffy Sainte Marie

You’re not a dream, you’re not an angel, you’re a man
I’m not a queen, I’m a woman, take my hand
We’ll make a space in the lives that we’ve planned
And here we’ll stay, until it’s time for you to go

Yes, we’re different, worlds apart, we’re not the same
We laughed and played, at the start, like in a game
You could have stayed outside my heart, but in you came
And here you’ll stay until it’s time for you to go

Don’t ask why, don’t ask how
Don’t ask forever
Love me now

This love of mine, has no beginning, it has no end
I was an oak, now I’m a willow, now I can bend
And though I’ll never, in my life, see you again
Still I’ll stay until it’s time for you to go

Don’t ask why of me, don’t ask how of me
Don’t ask forever of me
Love me, love me now

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